
Main use-cases

Alongside the relevant local spatial plan, the Cadastre of Real Estate is the most essential tool for checking your land plot. Selected use-cases are as follows:

  • Verifying the owner of the land and its area
  • Checking if there are any easements (burdens) on the land
  • Verifying ownership of the nearby lands, in particular for the access road to the land
However the Cadastre does not contain the information on the allowed use of the land.

Access to Cadastre

The Czech Cadastre is free to access in interactive mode at https://nahlizenidokn.cuzk.cz/. Thus far this part of the cadastre website is Czech only, however we believe that non-Czech speakers should be able to navigate through it as well using the guide below.

The main menu has four basic options. To check land plots you will only ever need either the first option “Vyhledat parcelu”, which searches for a specific land plot, or the last one “Zobrazení mapy” which displays a map of certain cadastral area.

“Vyhledat parcelu” is the standard option if you know your plot number, as you will navigate directly to the detail of your plot. You enter the following info:

  • Municipality
  • Cadastral area
  • Plot number (typically formatted for example “100/1” although just “100” is possible in some areas)

In the figure below, Pyšely is the municipality which contains several cadastral areas, one of them again Pyšely. When you select these you will be able to select your land plot and see its details.

Municipality typically corresponds to a town or larger village, cadastral area often to a town district or the village itself, in case of small villages to a nearby large village.

The other useful option “Zobrazení mapy” is the only option in case you don’t know the plot number or would like to get a view of the surroundings.

Upon entering the cadastral area, a map such as the one below is displayed. To see the cadastral map one needs to zoom-in, and then one can select a particular plot using the option “KN” on the bottom banner to see the plot details.

Useful map types

The default map is “Katastrální mapa” (as shown on the top banner in the figure below), which shows just the borders of individual land plots. We recommend “Katastrální mapa + ortofoto”, which in addition shows satellite view of the land and is thus typically much easier to navigate.

Mapy.cz plug-in to the Cadastre

A very useful way to access your land details in the Cadastre is an amazing functionality provided by mapy.cz. Select the land you are interested in simply by navigating their map and on a right-click select the last option “What is here?”

You will be presented with the option “Information from Lang Register on the land plot”. This will give you the direct link to the land plot (albeit with fewer options than in the cadastre, you will learn the plot number which is essential for search in the standard way using cadastre search itself).

Individual Plot View

Using on of the above options, you finally get to the individual plot details “Informace o pozemku”. The below screenshot translates the essential information. In addition to the essential information on the owner, area size, and easements, there are also options to buy official extracts from the cadastre (which will contain details such as ownership history). 

We note that the Owner has a column “Podíl”, which is the share and is only relevant in case there are multiple owners.

Regarding easements, the details of individual easement conditions will generally not be freely accessible however in some cases the easement name can provide at least the general nature of the easement:

  • Zástavní právo smluvní – there is a contractual lien, typically meaning the owner of the land has taken a mortgage collateralized by this land, and if they default on this loan the bank will become the owner. If you are buying this land, you need to make sure the previous owner will fullfill the obligations to the bank so that the lien contract can be removed.
  • Zákaz zcizení a zatížení – these kind of easements generally mean that owner of the land cannot sell the land or re-finance the mortgage, or that such conditions are influenced by the bank
  • Věcné břemeno umístění a provoz elektrorozvodného zařízení – the owner has agreed that an energy company will operate an electrical distribution installation
However, other easements are listed with the generic name “Věcné břemeno (podle listiny)” i.e. “Easement (per the contract)” and this means no further details are freely available. In any case, if you are interested in any given land, understanding all easements in detail is essential as the new owner is generally bound by the same easements.

Measuring distance

There are a few other useful cadastre functionalities. One we’d like to point at is measuring distance, useful e.g. when you’d like to verify the dimensions of your plot or its surroundings other than the readily available area in square meters. For instance, it can be used to check the width of a plot or its access road. Access it through the graphical metre icon in the bottom banner highlighted in the figure below.